Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'll be honest.....

I've got nothing exciting to post about this week. It's kind of cold, relatively speaking. Plus it's been raining and/or overcast nearly all week. So, that means I did nothing all weeekend. It's been about 17 C (about 60 F), however I continue to wear short-sleeved shirts, etc, while the Gasy show up to work with heavy down coats on, etc. We kind of laught at each other. I now have to use a heavy blanket while I sleep to stay warm.

In other news, I bought my plane ticket to fly to Reunion Island (there's a direct flight from Ft Dauphin) and then I find AFTER I bought my ticket that my visa and my passport might not be ready. Not good. I hope to leave on the 10th and be back around the 25th. I know that all of my adoring fans will be sad when I can't blog, however the reward should be some awesome stories.

I also decided to start giving restaurant reviews since I eat out basically every night. Today's review is Le Mirana. Yes, all the restaurants will have french sounding names, even though they are inexpensive in contrast to the US.

Owned by a french guy (Bernard, so the restaurant is also called Chez Bernand). He's from Avignon, France and his wife is Malagasy. This is my favorite resto in town and I visit usually at least weekly. Sometimes, 2-3 a week. My favorite dish is the poulet gaston. Not sure how to describe's chicken with cheese in kind of a soupy, broth type of dish. However, basically everything is good there. seems like most of the resto's have basically the same menu. Chicken, Zebu and fish. Voila. The Mirana is just up the road from Ankoba beach. Maybe I'll review Ankoba next time.

The pic is of Mirana. Maybe I should start a Ft Dauphin travel guide........nah.