Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Agacements (french for annoyances, I think.....)

Some things in Madagascar tend to bother me. So, I thought I'd let you know what they are:
1-Sidewalks: I know there aren't many in Ft Dauphin, but where there are sidewalks, it would be great if they used them. I don't understand why people walk in the middle of the road (especially at night) when there's a perfectly good sidewalk to use.

2-Road construction: Ok, ok. So everyone has road construction. However, here they built a road, then a week later they ripped it up. I don't understand why they construct a perfectly (well, perfect dirt road), then turn around and re-do it........

3-Meetings: Apparently if you say you are going to attend a meeting, you really don't have to. Maybe that's a Malgasy thing.

4-No diet sodas. None. And you can only order a big bottle of water and of course I don't trust the tap water. So, I drink a lot of soda.

5-Begging: Apparently its ok for anyone to just walk up to you and ask for "l'argent". I think that's the only word they know in french. For instance, a guy opened a door for me at the hotel and ask for money. Come on.......then a lady near Lac Anony was begging and I offered her a bottle of water and she refused and was frustrated.

That's all I can think of. Despite this, Madagascar is still a really neat experience and cool place to be. The picture has nothing to do with the post, its just some cool plant growing out of a cement stair at the "hotel" we stayed at.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure you do't' need to worry about diet sodas!
