Friday, March 27, 2009

Ok, ok.........

After some complaints (ok, just one so far.....) that I still wasn't posting every day. Here is a post for that person. It's actually after midnight, so I guess it's really Saturday.

First week of work is over........hard to make progress when all I did was try to get my computer set up and try to start learning who is who. The President of QMM was here today and he gave the doom and gloom speech. Which is basically.......the economy sucks, so be prepared for anything. Yep, just peachy.

Ok, so the plan for tomorrow is to try surfing and not drown or get eaten by a shark. Also, I may try to visit a few sights or forts around here.

So, maybe you'll get a few more posts this weekend and stop complaining.


  1. Don't worry sharks like some meat not just bones.

  2. I think you're doing a fine job with the blogging little buddy; I think I may have to start one to keep my sanity if I go to the South Pole in October for five months. Oh, I didn't tell you about that one...?
