Monday, March 23, 2009

Ring-tailed Lemur

So, I visited the Reserve de Nahampoana on the outskirts of Ft Dauphin. It was pretty cool, with lots of tame lemurs, etc. Saw some interesting frogs, chameleons, plants, etc. Today at work they told me that if I would have brought some bananas they would have eaten them out of my hands........oh well, next time I guess.

Photos take FOREVER to load, so you won't be able to see many.


  1. I hope you can upload more pictures. I'm happy you started a blog so we can hear about what's going far you've been blogging quite regularly, I'm impressed!

  2. Judd! I saw your link from your facebook page. It's nice that you have a blog. I guess I will be one of its followers since I too want to know about Ft Dauphin since I have never been there.

  3. I'll give a spider update later on.......but no near death experiences yet.
