Sunday, June 28, 2009

4th of July...oops 26th of June

The 26th of June is the Malagasy 4th of July. Not really sure what the story is behind it. However, the celebration seems pretty similar. Fireworks and voila, but no stadium of fire! The little kids also carry these little lantern type things with candles in them. Kind of cool actually, but I didn't have my camera.....sad.

On the morning of the 26th I was supposed to go to Berenty however the guy from work I was supposed to go with, disappeared. I called him the morning of the 26th and he didn't respond and I stopped by his house...not there. That sucked but I went to beach instead and ran into another friend from work and we decided to go to Lokaro the next day.

We rented quads and drove to Lokara and took a few wrong turns along the way. However we made it. It was fun. Along the way we had to cross a "bridge" by pushing the quads on logs spread over a river...yeah, that was exciting, I kept waiting for one to fall in.

I didn't bring my camera...long story. Instead, I took a picture of this family carrying wood on their heads to the market. I've been told that a bundle of wood is only 800 ariary, which is less than 50 cents.


  1. Madagascar gained its independence from France on June 26, 1960. We were colonized by France from 1896 to 1960. That's the story behind June 26.

  2. Hey Quad hire in FD - I am out in August where do you hire the quads from?
