Sunday, March 29, 2009


So, what do most of the expats do on the weekend here? I'm sure you were all wondering and eagerly anticipating the response. Well.......they go to the beach. Specifically, Ankoba beach. Its a nice, little beach. There's a pretty good restaurant there. I had some tuna kabobs there...delicious.

Also, Friday night I hung out with some fellow employees. Two are from the Congo....well one is now South African and the other is quasi-quebecois-american. He's lived in both NYC and Montreal. The last guy was here on a business trip from London. We went to a little French restaurant, which was pretty good.

The trick to living here is finding all the little places to eat at, things to do....and where not to go.

Sunday was just a chill, relaxing day.......I'm still working on my tan and trying not to be the whitest person in Madagascar, but I'm still number 1.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Are you the only white person in Ft. Dauphin?

  3. Sounds like you're starting off on the right foot.

  4. Please hand out sunglasses to the rest of the people as you tan. We don't want any of them to go blind, white boy.
    Glad to hear you are doing well...

  5. Hey - Whats life like in FD now I was there way back in 96 when Qit was just a baby - Libanona was always the best beach?
